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‘Midnight Mass’ Creator Warns ‘Haunting’ Fans Not to Look for Hidden Ghosts Unless They Want to Be ‘Really, Really Disappointed’ And so those two things kind of intertwine.” So it’s like you’re searching for a fugitive in the middle of a city that’s gone completely dark. “And then sort of in the middle of all this, we’ve created this kind of Athena-fugitive thriller. “So it affects everything,” he continued. So it obviously makes life more difficult for everybody, but also for the first responders, who then have to kind of go back to a by-the-numbers, pen-and-paper kind of existence…” It affects heating, cooling, the water system, transportation, all of it. It affects people who are trying to call 9-1-1.

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It affects people who are on ventilators. “Like, everything is kind of designed to be interconnected to the infrastructure of these systems. Everything is predicated on systems, right? And as soon as those systems go down, communication– we’re so reliant on our devices and on our interconnectivity, that when those things are cut off, in a matter of days, things start to kind of revert to the Middle Ages a little bit,” Minear told TheWrap. “We touched a little bit on this in ‘Lone Star’ with that solar storm. ‘9-1-1’ Star Oliver Stark on Buck and Taylor’s New Relationship Status, Eddie’s Condition Going Into Blackout